Selection service
We specialize in searching and selecting personnel for all sectors: our Consultants have diversified experiences in various fields and product sectors.
We work for specialized market divisions and we approach the various contexts from which our candidates come in a diversified but synergistic way. We use the most modern research systems that allow us to access a constantly updated database.
StrategicPeople - SalesPeople srl | Headquarter: Via Manzoni, 42 – 20121 Milan | Registered Office: Via IV Novembre - 25010 San Zeno Naviglio (Brescia) | Tel. +39 02 430 019 103 | Email: | Tax Code and VAT No. 06187090961 | SDI code: M5UXCR1 | Business Register of Brescia no. 497482 |Fully Paid-Up Share Capital € 50.000 | Admin | made by Consulenza di Marketing | Site map | Privacy policy | Cookie policy | Organisational Model | Code of Ethics | CE and Model dlgs 231