The scientific assessment tool (individual or group) is particularly useful in both the selection and development fields for the observation and evaluation of the behaviors underlying the skills indicated as “core” for a given position.
StrategicPeople designs and manages the assessments and customizes the analyses of the needs as well as the tools and contents. The assessment method proposed by StrategicPeople, through the use of different tools and “points of observation”, is more predictive of people’s performance in the workplace.
StrategicPeople - SalesPeople srl | Headquarter: Via Manzoni, 42 – 20121 Milan | Registered Office: Via IV Novembre - 25010 San Zeno Naviglio (Brescia) | Tel. +39 02 430 019 103 | Email: | Tax Code and VAT No. 06187090961 | SDI code: M5UXCR1 | Business Register of Brescia no. 497482 |Fully Paid-Up Share Capital € 50.000 | Admin | made by Consulenza di Marketing | Site map | Privacy policy | Cookie policy | Organisational Model | Code of Ethics | CE and Model dlgs 231